My excursion to Tiahuanacu was a good and interesting way to acclimatize before heading to the mountains. The views of the Cordillera Real along the way were wonderful and provided a good overview of the entire range from a distance. At Tiahuancu, my guide Carlos was very knowledgeable, spoke great English and was able to provide a great tour of the ruins and museum in about two hours. I thought his use of a small mirror was a very clever way to highlight interesting details and point out on a small mock-up of Tiahuanacu the direction of sunlight during the solstices which crossed important parts of the ruins. Afterwards Eduardo and I enjoyed a trout lunch in the city before heading back to La Paz. Very enjoyable, and I’m glad I went. Thanks Eduardo!

Un comentario

  1. My excursion to Tiahuanacu was a good and interesting way to acclimatize before heading to the mountains. The views of the Cordillera Real along the way were wonderful and provided a good overview of the entire range from a distance. At Tiahuancu, my guide Carlos was very knowledgeable, spoke great English and was able to provide a great tour of the ruins and museum in about two hours. I thought his use of a small mirror was a very clever way to highlight interesting details and point out on a small mock-up of Tiahuanacu the direction of sunlight during the solstices which crossed important parts of the ruins. Afterwards Eduardo and I enjoyed a trout lunch in the city before heading back to La Paz. Very enjoyable, and I’m glad I went. Thanks Eduardo!

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