EXPEDITION BOLIVIA – «Encordados por la Vida»

A beautiful experience of the family of Javier Oliver. Javier Oliver says: Profesionalidad, destreza, fortaleza, amabilidad, simpatía, disposición, organización…, cualidades que atesoran los hermanos Mamani, Eduardo y Gregorio, con los que tuvimos el placer de escalar durante el pasado mes de agosto de 2017 en la Cordillera Real. Nueve días, nueve picos, entre ellos, algunos […]

Climbing Illimani (Francia)

Pascual and his friends before climbing the mountain of Illimani began with a tour of acclimatization. In the area of Condoriri started up the Little Alpamayo, reaching the summit of this mountain. The following day we went to the mountain of Illimani, we had a great day and reached its peak. Pequeño Alpamayo

Climbing Illimani (Tim)

That said, a good acclimatization is the key to success to conquer the highest peaks. Tim Say: My alarm went off at 2:30 AM, and shivering in my tent, I forced myself to eat and drink as much as I could-3 granola bars and several cups of warm tea were all I could manage. A hot water bottle went into the […]


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