SAJAMA (6.542 m.) – Brandon Fischer

It was not easy at all, the ascent to our high camp at an altitude of 5,750 m. and the next day we started very early.In the distance we could see that the mountain was full of penitents, we knew that it is not the best time to make the ascent but we tried and […]

Summit of Huayna Potosi (Steph Any)

Any says: Eduardo est un guide sérieux, rassurant, drôle, plein d’histoires et d’expérience, et a été aux petits soins avec nous. Le cuisinier Felix a été parfait aussi. Grâce à eux notre trek s’est passé dans les meilleures conditions possibles et à rempli toutes nos attentes ! Et en plus Eduardo est un bon photographe ! Un grand MERCI […]


Johanes say: Yesterday I took a wonderful tour to Pico Austria with Eduardo. Beautiful weahter, excellent views and very professional guiding. Thanks my friend, always a superior experience exploring the Andes with you!


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