Climbing Huayna Potosi (Brazil)

Rafael Say: A aventura de 3 dias em Huayna Potosi foi sem duvida a maior de minha vida. Uma aventura com paisagens incriveis. Recomendo a todos brasileiros que gostam de aventura e montanhas nevadas. Procurei no web site dos guias de montanha- Bolivia um guia com experiencia em Andinismo, encontrei Eduardo e este me ensinou […]

Climbing Illimani (Tim)

That said, a good acclimatization is the key to success to conquer the highest peaks. Tim Say: My alarm went off at 2:30 AM, and shivering in my tent, I forced myself to eat and drink as much as I could-3 granola bars and several cups of warm tea were all I could manage. A hot water bottle went into the […]

Climbing Bolivia – Pequeño Alpamayo – Perú

Rodolfo Reyes and Victor Sanchez, mountain guides of Peru in a short visit to Bolivia with the desire to climb the mountain of «Little Alpamayo» in Condoriri area. They made a small variable in the direct path of this mountain, conquering its summit. It was an honor to accompany you on your journey.


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