If you would like more information or have any questions, please leave us a message we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Or you can email us using eduardo@bolivianmountainguides.com
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We organize trekking and climbing expeditions tailored to your schedule, always subject to the availability of our guides.Most of our trekking routes are of moderate difficulty and require a good level of physical fitness. For climbing expeditions, we recommend proper acclimatization to ensure a safe and successful experience.
We offer fixed departure dates for our most popular climbing routes, ideal for those who want to join other adventurers. These group departures maintain the same high-quality service as our private trips, with the added benefit of a more affordable cost by sharing the experience with others.
Group details:
• Group size: Minimum 2, maximum 10 people.
• Climbing ratio: 1 guide for every 2 clients, ensuring maximum safety.
If you’d like to join a group departure, contact us and specify the program you’re interested in. If there is only one participant on a scheduled date, we will proceed with the planned itinerary and keep you informed about other similar expeditions in case you prefer to join another group.
Explore the mountains with us and embark on an unforgettable adventure!
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